Players: 198
Tournaments: 41
Games Played: 697
Total Appearances: 834
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2024-12-22 17:58
Replays for Game #5415
31st December 2011, 14:00
Round 3
2011-12-31 16:19:58
Show Turn Details
Players: as 2 and a half men as Nombre Pulpo starts turn [00:00:15.96] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:00:30.28] Holy Hand-Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:00:47.08] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:00:57.54] Jet Pack[00:01:04.36] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:01:16.88] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:01:27.08] Jet Pack[00:01:33.02] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:01:49.66] Jet Pack[00:01:53.78] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:02:07.44] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:02:20.00] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:02:34.14] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:02:46.60] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:03:00.26] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:03:13.80] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:03:24.34] Jet Pack[00:03:32.90] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:03:43.76] Jet Pack[00:03:52.28] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:04:05.14] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:04:16.58] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:04:30.00] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:04:42.08] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:04:58.70] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:05:16.72] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:05:30.14] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:05:41.76] Grenade Bry4N starts turn Pulpo starts turn [00:06:09.98] Grenade Bry4N starts turn Pulpo starts turn [00:06:34.52] Grenade Bry4N starts turn Pulpo starts turn [00:06:59.68] Grenade Bry4N starts turn Pulpo starts turn [00:07:25.80] Grenade Bry4N starts turn Pulpo starts turn [00:07:49.44] Grenade Bry4N starts turn Pulpo starts turn Bry4N starts turn Pulpo starts turn Bry4N starts turn Pulpo starts turn Bry4N starts turn Pulpo starts turn Bry4N starts turn Pulpo starts turn Bry4N starts turn Pulpo starts turn Bry4N starts turn [00:10:38.22] Jet Pack[00:10:44.10] Low Gravity[00:10:46.12] Holy Hand-Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:11:04.84] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:11:16.88] Jet Pack[00:11:19.68] Low Gravity[00:11:20.86] Holy Hand-Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:11:32.70] Jet Pack[00:11:40.68] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:11:53.60] Jet Pack[00:11:56.38] Low Gravity[00:12:00.22] Holy Hand-Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:12:13.66] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:12:26.68] Jet Pack[00:12:28.66] Low Gravity[00:12:30.18] Holy Hand-Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:12:43.86] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:12:54.38] Low Gravity[00:12:55.82] Holy Hand-Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:13:08.94] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:13:19.54] Low Gravity[00:13:20.10] Holy Hand-Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:13:32.58] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:13:43.04] Low Gravity[00:13:43.56] Holy Hand-Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:13:56.10] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:14:09.04] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:14:21.18] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:14:31.48] Jet Pack[00:14:40.40] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:14:51.72] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:15:03.48] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:15:14.58] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:15:32.02] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:15:43.86] Holy Hand-Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:15:55.86] Holy Hand-Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:16:08.50] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:16:21.26] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:16:32.48] Holy Hand-Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:16:45.34] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:16:59.88] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:17:11.40] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:17:23.74] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:17:34.50] Jet Pack[00:17:42.40] Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:17:53.64] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:18:04.58] Jet Pack[00:18:12.70] Holy Hand-Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:18:28.18] Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:18:40.68] Holy Hand-Grenade Pulpo starts turn [00:18:53.54] Holy Hand-Grenade Bry4N starts turn [00:19:06.56] Holy Hand-Grenade
184.42 s 257.48 s |