Players: 198
Tournaments: 41
Games Played: 697
Total Appearances: 834
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2024-12-22 16:19
Replays for Game #5467
29th December 2011, 14:00
Round 1
2011-12-29 14:46:20
2011-12-29 14:56:26
Show Turn Details
Players: as FrÉé$tYl£ öWñÉrZ as Rozpierdalaki as The Wormage as SEEEEXXX as Þøçk ßändÿ theredi starts turn [00:01:01.92] Ninja Rope[00:01:44.52] Ninja Rope[00:02:01.06] Skip Go AsbeSt starts turn [00:02:05.12] Ninja Rope[00:02:56.76] Skip Go Csongi starts turn [00:03:03.12] Ninja Rope BoXer starts turn [00:03:53.76] Ninja Rope[00:03:57.12] Parachute[00:03:59.30] Ninja Rope[00:04:02.34] Ninja Rope[00:04:10.90] Ninja Rope[00:04:21.60] Ninja Rope[00:04:31.48] Ninja Rope[00:04:41.30] Parachute[00:04:41.74] Ninja RopeDamage dealt: 200 Crazy starts turn [00:04:52.36] Ninja Rope[00:05:34.80] Ninja RopeDamage dealt: 200 theredi starts turn [00:05:46.50] Ninja Rope[00:06:36.42] Parachute[00:06:37.80] Skip Go AsbeSt starts turn [00:06:41.22] Ninja Rope[00:06:44.44] Parachute[00:06:44.92] Ninja Rope Csongi starts turn [00:07:18.66] Ninja Rope[00:07:48.34] Parachute[00:07:49.48] Ninja Rope[00:07:52.58] Skip Go BoXer starts turn [00:07:55.90] Ninja RopeDamage dealt: 200 Crazy starts turn [00:08:15.56] Ninja Rope[00:08:35.98] Ninja Rope theredi starts turn
80.26 s 65.76 s 79.60 s 112.16 s 82.82 s |