Players: 198
Tournaments: 41
Games Played: 697
Total Appearances: 834
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2024-12-22 22:06
Replays for Game #5257
27th December 2011, 22:00
Round 3
2011-12-27 23:56:01
2011-12-28 00:25:00
Show Turn Details
Players: as The Wormage as 1-UP as TheDeadlyCup23 as BlowJob Maciej starts turn [00:01:27.86] Petrol BombDamage dealt: 42 HHC starts turn [00:01:57.66] Blow TorchDamage dealt: 15 ItalianJob starts turn
0.00 s 21.58 s 21.16 s 0.00 s |